Welcome to our Africa Destination Guide. As Pliny the Elder said: “Ex Africa Semper Aliquid Novi” – Out of Africa, Always Something New. And that’s the case today, which is why Africa is our favorite destination of all.
What is it about Africa?
This is where it all started. Everything there is a bit more intense.. the light, the variety, the animals, the languages, the wide array of people and scenery and…well, I’m biased. You see, I grew up there (this is Derek). I always had a great love for safari, but as everyone who thinks the grass is greener, I was convinced the grass was greener elsewhere. Coming to the US in my early 20’s, and traveling to 50 countries since, I’m in love with travel and really enjoy many, many places.
But my first love is Africa. The thing is, Elaine, born in Pittsburgh, feels the same way. And so do most of the people we’ve sent there. The old saying “Africa is a disease of the soul” is true. You feel the ancient legacy from the origins of mankind when you’re there. You come to understand the magnificence of creation when you observe the largest variety of animal species on earth cohabiting, each with their earned place in the environment.
Is It Safe to Visit?
Africa is now more accessible than ever before. Democracy has spread far and wide, with the last dictators on the way out. you just have to see it for yourself. Prices are reasonable and the standard of what you experience runs from very good to literally the best in the world. A surprise for many visitors (and talking specifically about South Africa now) is the sophistication, the artwork, the great roads, the very high standards of hotels and restaurants. You may have read about the crime in certain cities, like Nairobi and Johannesburg, and you have to be more careful there, just as you would in some cities in the US. But there’s very little reason to visit those areas, and the places of touring interest are safe and friendly and clean, as millions of visitors can attest, In short, you just have to see it for yourself.
Here are some articles to get you started: much more to come.