So your feet don’t fail you, here are some recommendations based on hard won experience. Elaine just did a two-day hike to 9,000-foot elevation in Big Sky, Montana, and she and her feet can tell you: the right boots are Super important.
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So your feet don’t fail you, here are some recommendations based on hard won experience. Elaine just did a two-day hike to 9,000-foot elevation in Big Sky, Montana, and she and her feet can tell you: the right boots are Super important.
The bad boys you see here are the Merrill Moab 2 Vent Mid Hiking Boot, and I’m on my third pair. They give my beat-up feet great support for hiking, and they have plenty of traction for when you’re scaling, say, the Grand Canyon. They’ve lasted very well, my only complaint being that I ripped open the side of my second pair on a very sharp rock outcrop in South Africa (not sure any light boot would have withstood that).
But they really do double duty for me, because I use them as street and evening shoes as well. Call me crass, but there’s hardly anywhere in the world we go these days where guys have to dress fancy. A good pair of pants, and nobody looks at the boots below! So I’ve dined in Michelin restaurants and looked respectable, all the while shamelessly wearing my Merrill boots on my feet. I’ve yet to be turned away by an enraged Maitre’d. This double duty is important because, as you’ll see from our luggage page, traveling light is key to traveling happier. So, these days, I often go on even long trips with just a pair of sneakers (Brooks Beasts in case you’re wondering – I’ll review them as well), and my Merrill boots.Just click on the images below to order.
Just click on the image to get more info or to order.
So these are the sneakers I use on the road when I’m not wearing my hiking boots. This arrangement means that I have one pair of shoes on my feet and one in my suitcase: a big plus for light packing.
The Beast is one of the best-supporting sneakers anywhere, so it’s great for walking long distances and standing up to rough sidewalks, protecting against ankle twists and generally being a good, tough partner. Recommended by my physical therapist for my aging feet, they pound the pavements with plenty of shock absorption. They are worth the fairly high price because I put a lot of miles on them. I get the silver color ones which are pretty neutral and not too flashy. You can see more info or order them if you click right here.
Am I eager to share my thoughts about my hiking boots? I guess you could say, ahem…I’m kinda keen on them.
When I go on a hike or safari, I tie on my Keen Voyageur Mid height boots. Let me state right at the outset, I do not have petite, lovely feet. My dawgs are rather wide, and yes, I have not escaped the curse of the bunion. My Keens are truly comfortable for me. These sturdy little darlins’ are fairly lightweight, yet tough – with awesome ankle support.
I just returned from a trip to Montana, where my daughter dragged me up a mountain in the Lee Metcalf wilderness outside of Big Sky. My Keens’ impressive bottom tread really helped to keep me on course. The 8 mile hike crossed over and back a raging stream about six times. I was really surprised at how dry the boots kept my feet. Sadly, I’m not agile enough to hop from stone to stone while crossing a stream. My boots were definitely immersed in water on many occasions, but my feet never felt wet.
Like any shoe, it’s all about the fit. My Keen’s fit me like a dream. Give ‘em a try. You can get more detail or buy them by clicking here.
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