The movie “The Bucket List” (which you can order here if you feel like it) inspired many Boomers like ourselves to think about the things we want to do before we “kick the bucket.” Although many people define those things as specific activities, we find that most people’s dreams are associated with a Destinations Bucket List – places they want to see, more than, say, doing the world’s highest bungee jump. So that’s where we’ve put our focus in this intriguing hunt. We are fortunate enough to have visited our bucket list destinations already, and in compiling this list, we really thought about the things that really mattered to us, both individually and as a couple, and about the reactions people we’ve advised about destinations have had when they returned. So we hope our hands-on experience helps you get inspired!
Our Top Ten Destinations Bucket List!
How did we arrive at Our Top Ten Favorite Destinations Bucket List?
Perhaps the question we get asked most of all is: “What’s Your Favorite Destination?” Of course, we love just about everywhere, but when pushed, this is Our Top Ten Favorite Destinations Bucket List. It was hard to decide on some places versus others, but the test was: what enduring memories and affection do we both have for each place?
Go Ahead and Make It Happen
We encourage you to go through the list, visit our Destination Guides, get our Bucket List Builder, read guidebooks and other blogs. Then just go ahead and make a provisional booking once you (and hopefully your travel partner) have decided on a dream destination that you can share. We’ve provided some handy booking links after each destination section to help you get going quickly. You can book hotels far ahead without any commitment, so imagine the journey and start the fun of planning!
Seize the Date!
Remember, there’s something magic about putting down your dreams and tying them to a date. You may not have the money yet, or the time, but you will find that you can manifest your dream once that goal is set. It’s our mission on this site to help you turn your travel dreams into reality by giving you insider information about how to get the amazing travel experiences you want. Please sign up for our newsletter to get your Bucket List Builder and set your feet on the path. And check out our other Top Ten Bucket lists so you can match the destination to some specific activities or sights while you’re there.
Here, then is the list of our Top Ten Favorite Bucket List Destinations. Let’s start with #10.
Our Top Ten Destinations Bucket List

#10: Israel
Israel will astound you with the intensity of the experience, and that’s why it makes it onto our Top Ten Favorite Destinations Bucket List. Whether religious or not, you can’t help but be fascinated with the reality of three major world religions coexisting in one place.
The history alone is enough reason to visit. But then there’s the food, the people, the markets, the technology. If you have any kind of leaning towards dramatic history. This is the place for you.
Tourist Israel says there are 5 reasons to visit:
1. Jerusalem is THE city for religion
Jerusalem is the holiest city in the world – holy for Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The Old City of Jerusalem is home to the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Anyone who follows these three faiths is therefore instantly interested in visiting.

2. Tel Aviv is THE coolest city in the Mediterranean
It’s a bit of a secret but Tel Aviv is an amazing 24 hour city of culture, events, nightlife, beaches, and more. Some reports have called the people in Tel Aviv the most beautiful in the world, some reports say that the city has a nightlife which is unbeaten anywhere in the world. What is indisputable though, is that Tel Aviv is a non-stop city, a city that rivals Miami and New York, a city that’s like no other, and a city with great food, a great atmosphere, and great experiences.
3. The Lowest Place on Earth
The Dead Sea is not only the lowest place on Earth, but is also unique in that you can’t actually swim in it. The salty waters mean that you just float… The famous pictures of people floating in the waters are true, it’s amazing! And as well as the salty waters and being at the lowest point on Earth, the mud is actually bottled and sold around the world as a beauty product – at the Dead Sea it’s free, so people cover themselves in it!

4. Diverse Scenery
The South of Israel is the Negev Desert, a beautiful landscape which is home to an immense array of natural life, natural beauty, and inspirational stories of mankind living in these harsh conditions. The North of Israel is the famous Galilee, a lush green landscape full of outdoor adventures and historic sites. What makes this even more amazing is that it’s only about 90 minutes from the desert to the Galilee. In other words, this small country is easy to explore.
5. It’s Safe
Israel is safe! A lot of people believe it isn’t and after visiting almost everybody is amazed at how wrong they were with the images they had of Israel before they arrived. Statistically, you are much safer in Israel than in most Western Countries (including the USA), and day-to-day life is very Westernized. Israel is unique, why not see it for yourself.
Your Destinations Bucket List Deserves Some Homework
You can kickstart your homework with these guidebooks below from Amazon.

#9: Botswana

Is It Okay to Visit?
Your Destinations Bucket List Deserves Some Homework
You can kickstart your homework with these guidebooks below from Amazon
(Note: you can order by clicking on the images; these are affiliate links, and we get a small commission if you order at no additional cost to you. That helps us maintain this website, so it’s a win-win.)

Our Top Ten Destinations Bucket List #8: Great Britain
Great Britain (aka United Kingdom)
Great Britain rates #8 on our Top Ten Favorite Destinations Bucket List because, well, really, it’s not somewhere you can miss. now is it? We are there often, and soon we’ll be posting a video and other stuff we discovered on various journeys through Wales and Scotland. Meanwhile, watch a rerun of Downton Abbey to get in the mood. Pick your bucket list activities in the context of the UK, and get going. You and your travel partner may differ widely about things you want to see, but you’re sure to find common ground because there’s so much. Notice that we are talking about all of Britain, not just England!
For more general information, go here.
Yes, the winters can be miserable (and sometimes even the summers), but generally, it’s mild and peaceful.
Your Destinations Bucket List Deserves Some Homework
You can kickstart your homework with these guidebooks below from Amazon. And of course, there are many books, movies and TV series to follow. For our recommended booking resources, go here.
(Note: you can order by clicking on the images; these are affiliate links, and we get a small commission if you order at no additional cost to you. That helps us maintain this website, so it’s a win-win.)

Our Top Ten Destinations Bucket List #7: Italy
Italy is a really comfortable country to visit in many ways and that’s why it makes #7 on our Top Ten Favorite Destinations Bucket List. The food is familiar and good everywhere. Although you’ll have really watch that pasta: Derek gained 12 lbs in the month we spent there last year! The people are friendly, English is spoken to some extent all over. And of course, the art and history are unsurpassed.
We’re not the only people who love the place, and it’s changed since our first student days of backpacking there, mostly in terms of the crowds. It’s a country where if you time it right and get off the beaten track you can really absorb a more relaxed way of life.
We have lots of stories to tell, and we’ll point you to our blogs (below) and various resources for easy booking. By the way, Rick Steve’s guides to Italy are really good, and you can also download his free apps to guide you while you’re there. Fact: In Florence a few months ago, Derek was listening to Rick Steve’s commentary on the app, and almost bumped into Rick Steves himself, who leading an exclusive tour group. Derek said to Rick: “I never expected to get you in stereo!”
Is It Okay to Visit?
The summer months are incredibly competitive for space. So Florence, for example, has long lines of people waiting to get into museums. There are lots of ways to deal with all this but it takes planning. It’s a relatively easy country to drive in, so picking your spots is essential.
Your Destinations Bucket List Deserves Some Homework
You can kick-start your homework with these guidebooks below from Amazon.
(Note: you can order by clicking on the images; these are affiliate links, and we get a small commission if you order at no additional cost to you. That helps us maintain this website, so it’s a win-win.)

Our Top Ten Destinations Bucket List #6: India
India ranks at #6 on our Top Ten Favorite Destinations Bucket List because it made an indelible impression on us – notwithstanding its challenges. The name conjures up visions of mystery, fabulous history, colorful scenes on all sides, holy cows and every kind of religion you can imagine. It’s spiritual on the one hand and dirty, noisy and exciting on the other. It’s a really fascinating place, and we love it. (We’ll post some videos of our adventures in due course.)
It’s not for everyone. The litter, the traffic and the risk of food poisoning put off some people, and we’ll tell you those are all present. We recommend that most Boomers/Seniors take a guided tour, and then you’re pretty insulated from the difficulties while still experiencing it all. If you’re into exotic things, like Indian food, and don’t mind a radical change from the every day, then India should be on your Bucket List. Click to find our preferred tour operators.
Here’s some background.
We have lots of stories to tell, and we’ll point you to our blogs (below) and various resources for easy booking.
Is It Okay to Visit?
As we mentioned above, you have to be extremely careful about what you eat (see our blog on this). In a guided tour setting, crime is not an issue. The hotels are generally excellent. There are physical challenges at times; for example, walking through the crazy streets to get to the banks of the Ganges is a challenge, but there are always rickshaws or Tuk-Tuks to help.

The hotels can be really magnificent
Your Destinations Bucket List Deserves Some Homework
You can kickstart your homework with these guidebooks below from Amazon.
(Note: you can order by clicking on the images; these are affiliate links, and we get a small commission if you order at no additional cost to you. That helps us maintain this website, so it’s a win-win.)

Our Top Ten Destinations Bucket List #5 Choice: Bali
What a fabulous place Bali is. It makes it to #5 on our Top Ten Destinations Bucket List because of the overall wonderful philosophy of the place. Plus, it has some of the best snorkeling in the world (for us, it beats the Great Barrier Reef). And some of the best surfing. Then there’s the temples, the markets, and the scenery. But most of all, it’s the attitude. One of the most tolerant countries we’ve ever been to, Muslims and the majority Hindus coexist in peace, and their loving attitude is what makes it so special.
Here’s some background.
We have lots of stories to tell, and we’ll point you to our blogs (below) and various resources for easy booking.
Is It Okay to Visit?
As we said, this is one of the most peaceful, harmonious places you’ll ever visit. The food is safe to eat and it’s clean. Don’t risk drinking the water.
Your Destinations Bucket List Deserves Some Homework
You can kickstart your homework with these guidebooks below from Amazon, and of course, you should read “Eat, Pray, Love”, or see the movie.
(Note: you can order by clicking on the images; these are affiliate links, and we get a small commission if you order at no additional cost to you. That helps us maintain this website, so it’s a win-win.)

Our Top Ten Destinations Bucket List #4 Choice: Iceland
Iceland is a surprising place, and it makes it to #4 on our Top Ten Favorite Destinations Bucket List because it’s so atmospheric, and that makes it memorable. A country of only 300,000 people, it packs a lot of punch when it comes to interest. Elaine was walking a half marathon in Reyjavik, and we took the opportunity to tour the country. It’s fascinating in its variety of topography: waterfalls, steaming fields where the tectonic plates collide, history, music. It’s one of the newly cool places to visit. Expensive to eat in restaurants, but cheap to get to.

Waterfalls abound all over Iceland
Here’s some background.
We have lots of stories to tell, and we’ll point you to our blogs (below) and various resources for easy booking.
Is It Okay to Visit?
It’s safe, clean and very friendly. The weather is completely changeable all the time. We went in August and it ranged from pleasant and mild to howling, freezing gales, which added to the feel of the place and didn’t last long. But it ain’t the tropics!
Your Destinations Bucket List Deserves Some Homework
You can kickstart your homework with these guidebooks below from Amazon.
(Note: you can order by clicking on the images; these are affiliate links, and we get a small commission if you order at no additional cost to you. That helps us maintain this website, so it’s a win-win.)

Our Top Ten Destinations Bucket List #3: France
Maybe France being at #3 on our Top Ten Favorite Destinations Bucket List isn’t a surprise. France just breathes romance, style, good food, good living. It’s a much friendlier place than it’s cracked up to be – at least, that’s our experience. From the battlefields in Normandy to the chateaux in the Loire Valley, to Paris, one of the finest cities on earth, it’s full of great sights to complement the great food and wines and art.
As you plan your bucket list trip, there’s a wide variety of things to satisfy your varied tastes, so you can find common ground on things you’d like to see. (Derek’s tip for guys: prove that you’re a romantic by going.)

Elaine and Derek’s Mom in the Lavender fields at Abbaye Senanque, Provence

Eiffel Tower, Paris

Normandy Battlefields
We have lots of stories to tell, and we’ll point you to our blogs (below) and various resources for flavor.
Is It Okay to Visit?
France is mostly very safe, and it’s a great country to drive in. Theft from cars happens, so you need to pay attention to that, as you would in the US. If you don’t want to drive, the trains are unsurpassed for speed. In the old days, people complained that the French were cold and unhelpful if you don’t speak French. Okay, Derek’s French is not terrible, but even when we’re speaking English, we’ve encountered nothing but friendliness. In Paris, expect a bit of impatience, but realize it’s not just you that they are looking down upon: it’s everyone who’s not Parisian.
Your Destinations Bucket List Deserves Some Homework
You can kickstart your homework with these guidebooks below from Amazon.
(Note: you can order by clicking on the images; these are affiliate links, and we get a small commission if you order at no additional cost to you. That helps us maintain this website, so it’s a win-win.)

Our Top Ten Destinations Bucket List #2: Turkey
Are you surprised that Turkey is at #2 on our Top Ten Favorite Destinations Bucket List? We’re not, having been several times, with each visit more fabulous. Again, it’s the rich variety of people, places, and especially history that make Turkey really special.
Istanbul is one of the most vibrant, civilized, cleanest cities in the world – and this is a city of almost 20 million! It works, and the history will astound you. Then there’s the food, the markets, the Turkish baths, the rugs, the wine…
Whether you’re cruising the southern costs over ancient ruins in a gulet or exploring the amazing cave dwellings in Cappadocia, Turkey is just full of pleasant surprises.
We have lots of stories to tell, and we’ll point you to our blogs (below) and various resources for flavor.
Is It Okay to Visit?
This is a secular, mostly Muslim country. It’s not a place where tourists experience issues. It’s mostly pro-American, with a vast range of people. We were there during a protest against the government, and it was orderly and peaceful.
We have lots of stories to tell, and we’ll point you to our blogs (below) and various resources for flavor.
Do Some Research
You can kick start your homework with these guidebooks below from Amazon.
(Note: you can order by clicking on the images; these are affiliate links, and we get a small commission if you order at no additional cost to you. That helps us maintain this website, so it’s a win-win.)

Our Top Ten Destinations Bucket List #1: South Africa
South Africa
South Africa wins #1 on our Top Ten Favorite Destinations Bucket List because it has a variety of fantastic, lifechanging experiences all in one country. It starts with the incredible safaris, which are arguably the best in Africa, but it goes much deeper than that. The history is amazing, from the site where the very first Australopithecus skull was found (not to mention the first homo sapiens) to the present day saga of change that was led by Nelson Mandela. So is the scenery. The wildflowers, the beaches, the mountains, the people…they are all unique and spectacular. Oh yes, the food, the wine, the goes on. And it’s incredibly affordable. The myth that safari is just for the rich and famous is just that: a myth. Our unique e-book on the various choices at different price levels lays it all out (it’ll be available soon – sign up for our newsletter to get your copy.)
Is It Okay to Visit?
You may have heard some negatives about crime. It just hasn’t been an issue for our visitors because they’re not going to places where crime is an issue (we discuss this more in our country guide). We have sent many, many people there, and every single one returns thrilled and wanting to go back. We go every year and love it. But it was frankly hard to give South Africa the top spot because Derek was born there, and we don’t want to be biased in favor of his homeland. But so many travel magazines and individuals – especially Elaine, who would have no hesitation in overruling Derek on this matter – give it their top rating as well, we figure…what the heck. We owe it to you to tell it like it is, and South Africa is the Destinations Bucket List place you have to see.
Do Some Research
And please check out our Africa Destination Guide and our blogs about South Africa below, as well as the resources: our preferred tour operators if you go on a tour, or the hotel and air booking partners we recommend. We are safari experts, so you can also book a personal consultation with us if you want. We have saved people a lot of money by pointing them in the right direction early. Our e-book, which we’ll send you when you sign up for our newsletter, will show you all the different insider safari tips at different price levels. You definitely want to book with local knowledge because US tour operators routinely charge up to twice as much for the same experience, and that’s what the e-book will give you.
You can kickstart your homework with these guidebooks below from Amazon.
(Note: you can order by clicking on the images; these are affiliate links, and we get a small commission if you order at no additional cost to you. That helps us maintain this website, so it’s a win-win.)
Sign up for our free email newsletter and get exclusive insider tips plus our Bucket List Builder, an invaluable guide to picking your next fabulous trip!

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