So, Why The Motto?
Our motto “When In Doubt, Choose Adventure” has stood us in good stead over the years and the countries we’ve visited. It doesn’t mean that we’re foolhardy kids looking to risk life and limb. But we’re well aware that the greatest travel experiences we’ve ever had are those when we took the plunge – financially, emotionally or whatever – and stretched ourselves to discover more. We started to live this philosophy when we found ourselves deadlocked in discussions over where we should go next. After all, there’s a lot of world to see. So, the clincher for us is: which is more adventurous?
Ask Yourselves: Why Are We Traveling?
The safest, most predictable choices are often luxurious, pampered – and ultimately forgettable. That’s fine if you just need to relax – and trust us, we’ve never turned down a bit of pampering. But at this stage of our lives, we’re looking to take advantage of our mobility and desire to carve out lifelong memories. If you’re not getting away to experience a different culture and see things through others’ eyes – then why spend all that money? You can be supremely comfortable at home for much less.
Applying the Adventure Philosophy
What does this mean for your travel experience? Think of us as your travel consultants who are trying to advise you based on our expensively gained knowledge to craft the best travel experience for yourself and your companion(s).
We’re saying: don’t be afraid of the unknown. Don’t believe everything you read in the newspapers or hear on TV because the media is focused on the bad news.
We know plenty of people who refuse to go to Africa, for example, because they fear crime or disease or bugs or whatever. And we’ve held the hands of plenty of others who have gone ahead in spite of their reservations. Not a single person we’ve ever steered to go on safari has ever come back disappointed.
Carpe Diem
Once you’re on the ground, and enveloped in the magic of a new place, you’ll find your fears are groundless. Usually, those who expressed the most trepidation are the ones who get the biggest laugh out of their fearful impressions versus the fabulous reality. Those are the special trips – when your state of high alertness actually made you experience everything more vividly.
How Is This Useful for You?
We’re sharing our little motto because in the all-important planning stage as you balance time, money and preferences with your partner, it’s good to find your common ground. You’ll probably come up with your own catch phrase that reflects your own shared sense of humor, desires and priorities for what you want to get out of your travels. So next time you’re in heated debate about your trip (yes, this happens to us all), fall back on your motto, and go for it together.